May 19, 2021

“This is to Protect Children” - Why Getting Kids a Covid Shot is About More than Transmission Risk

“This is to Protect Children” - Why Getting Kids a Covid Shot is About More than Transmission Risk

Kids and shots… they go together like…Crying and candy. 

But now, is there a new one that can be added to their yearly schedule? 

The CDC and FDA allowing the Pfizer vaccine to those 12 and up, as Covid-19 vaccine distribution continues to roll-out across. 

Many parents, however, are wondering if I really need to vaccinate my teen and/or pre-teen given they are at low risk  of acquiring the virus and even lower rates of hospitalization.  

“This is to protect children from suffering and being hospitalized and dying. That’s the purpose of this vaccine,”  Paul A. Offit, MD, the Director of the Vaccine Education Center and Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia explains in this week’s episode of Track the Vax

His comments are a stark warning as officials in Brazil struggle to  understand why children and babies are dying at higher rates. 

Offit, also a member of the FDA’s VRBAC, the impartial group of experts that has been responsible  for giving the green light for EUA, explained that it’s not about “when do you know everything. You never know everything. The question is when do you know enough?”

“You had roughly 2300 children that were divided in half.  Half received the vaccine, half placebo. There were 18 cases of infection and disease, all in the placebo group. I mean that, that’s a clear statistically significant difference,” he told Track the Vax host Serena Marshall  in our latest episode. 

In this episode of Track the Vax you’ll also learn:

  • How that rumor of fertility and vaccination started, and what the science says about  it.
  • When younger kids may  be eligible
  • How the dosing for young children will be different than for adults and teenagers.


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